"Queue Summary Per Time '' report that includes the newly added report to the Qwaiting, It provides a comprehensive overview of the queue performance and details according to the “Time Slots' '.
In order to check the report:
Go to the “Report”.
Click on “ Queue Summary Per Time”.
This report provides a detailed view of Customer Transactions, Transactions Time, Waiting Time within a specific time interval for better understanding and managing queue performance.
This report provides:
Period: Time Slot of the day
Customer Transactions:
Arrived: Number of customers who arrived during each time period.
Served: Number of customers who were served during each time period.
% (Served Percentage): Percentage of arrived customers who were served.
No Show: Number of customers who did not show up during each time period.
% (No Show Percentage): Percentage of arrived customers who did not show up.
Transaction Time:
Workload: Total time spent on transactions during each time period.
Average: Average transaction time.
Max: Maximum transaction time.
Waiting Time:
< SL: Number of customers whose waiting time was less than the service level (SL).
> SL: Number of customers whose waiting time was greater than the service level (SL).
Average: Average waiting time for customers during each time period.
Max: Maximum waiting time for customers during each time period.
Total (Average): Overall average waiting time.
Total (Max): Overall maximum waiting time.